Welcome to restarted blog: Key Points Proving NS-Capture Theory
Rich Levinson
April 29, 2020
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For an introduction to what this website is all about, go to the Introduction and Overview page.
Probably the most important question about this web site is:
“Why do we need a new theory to explain pulsars?”
The reason is actually quite simple:
“Existing theories of pulsar creation cannot explain the existence of the binary x-ray pulsars.”
The next question one is likely to ask is:
“Why not? What’s wrong with the existing theory?”
Again, the answer is fairly straight-forward:
“Existing theories predict that a supernova explosion creates a fast spinning pulsar that is slowing down with time.”
“However, binary x-ray pulsars are found to be slow spinning, and, in fact, spinning faster with time as a result of their interaction with their binary companions.”
“Therefore, if you use a supernova to create a pulsar in a binary system, it will initially be created as spinning fast and trying to slow down. However, it is also in a binary environment, where existing pulsars are spinning slow and experiencing force that causes them to spin faster, which means that a supernova-created fast spinning pulsar cannot slow down to produce the observed slow binary x-ray pulsars.”
That is the basic logic that underlies the work that is done on this web-site.
For those who want to this logic explained in more depth, the “Diagrammatic Proof of the NS-Capture Theory” contains the most up to date analysis.
The second part of the NS-Capture theory basically says:
“If the slow binary x-ray pulsar could not have come from a supernova explosion, then it must have been introduced in some other manner. The only other plausible manner is that a pre-existing neutron star had a chance encounter with some random ordinary star, and ended up being bound in a binary and started to spin up from that point.”
I believe that sums up the fundamental logic of the NS-Capture Theory. Much of the discussion on this site begins with the assumption that the NS-Capture Theory is true, and builds from there. A more in-depth discussion of the results one obtains starting with the NS-Capture Theory is described in “How NS-Capture Theory Explains the P/P-dot Diagram“.