NS-Capture vs NS-Creation

This discussion will describe the main properties of isolated (non-binary) pulsars associated with the remnants of a supernova explosion and then describe differences between how ns-capture theory and the ns-creation theory account for those properties.

Let us look at some properties of the Crab and other isolated pulsars that have been observed in remnants of supernova explosions:

  1. The pulsar is generally travelling through the remnants at several hundred kilometers per second. i.e. the pulsar is travelling away from the center of the explosion instead of just sitting right in the middle.
  2. The pulsar is rapidly rotating (spinning) anywhere from 10 times per second to over 100 times per second.
  3. The pulsar is slowing down. i.e. its rotation period is getting longer.

The NS-Capture theory explains all these characteristically very well simply by observing the current behavior of Cen X-3, which is GS+NS binary that NS-Capture projects will eventually explode in a supernova explosion. i.e. NS-Capture asserts that all Supernova explosions are caused by a GS+NS binary that spins up to become a FP embedded deep in the GS that eventually causes the GS to explode.

Cen X-3 properties and how they predict the properties of the post-SNE pulsar + remnants:

  1. The Cen X=3 pulsar orbiting the supergiant companion has an orbital velocity of about 450 km/sec. If the companion were to suddenly explode, then the pulsar would retain its original orbital velocity, but it would become a linear velocity which would have the pulsar travelling through the remnants exactly as observed in post-SNE systems such as the Crab.
  2. The Cen X-3 pulsar is rotating “slowly” at once every 4.8 seconds. However, it is spinning up, and will continue to spin up as it draws mass from the companion’s atmosphere toward its surface, much as a figure skater spins faster when he or she draws his or her arms closer to their body.
    Note; this also provides a “mechanism” for causing a neutron star to spin up with its magnetic field perpendicular to its spin axis. This torque using the magnetic field provides the pulsar with the energy it needs later to radiate pulses as well as blow the supernova remnants away in an ever-widening cloud of debris.
  3. After the companion blows up in a supernova explosion, the pulsar no longer has the torque mechanism to spin it up that it had while in orbit, so because the magnetic field is not aligned with the spin axis, the spin is unstable which will cause the pulsar to gradually slow down.

By contrast, the NS-Creation theory encounters problems with all these properties.

  1. In order to explain the pulsar traveling through the remnants the creation theory requires that the supernova explosion be asymmetric. There is no real physical basis for assuming that the explosion is asymmetric, so this really needs to be regarded as an assumption made to fit the behavior.
  2. There is no inherent mechanism from an implosion that would cause the rotation axis and the magnetic axis not to be aligned. Therefore, again, an assumption must be made that in the few seconds during which the neutron star is created, that it must also be given this peculiar magnetic field unaligned with the rotation axis. Therefore a mechanism needs to be invented that not only creates a neutron star, but creates a NS with a magnetic field perpendicular to the NS’s spin axis.
  3. Both theories agree that the pulsar will slow down after the explosion, and both theories agree that prior at the time of the explosion that the neutron star will be rapidly rotating.
    However, for creating a binary system, such as Cen X-3, the ns-creation theory runs into a contradiction, because if the Cen X-3 pulsar, itself, was created in a supernova explosion, it would be initially rapidly rotating. However, Cen X-3 is  a slow pulsar that is going faster in time. In such an environment how could the initially rapidly rotating pulsar (FP) slow down in the environment of a GS companion to become a SP?

The net of this brief analysis is that the NS-capture theory provides obvious physical explanations for all the major properties observed in the Cen X-3 and Crab pulsars. However, the NS-creation theory is hard-pressed to come up with physical explanations to explain these same properties.

Given the extreme nature of the bodies and behaviors observed, it is unlikely that different mechanisms can be used to explain both types of phenomena. Ultimately, we will need to choose between the NS-capture theory and the NS-creation theory.