NS-Capture Theory predicted that a supermassive black hole exists in the center of the Milky Way in 1974
Starting from the conclusion that NS-Capture Theory reaches that there are on the order of 5 trillion neutron stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, the question immediately arose about whether that amount of mass in the MWG would be feasible?
Based on my review of the literature at the time, it became apparent that if one was to model the galaxy as a rotating spiral, which is the commonly understood model, that gravitationally, that amount of mass would make the galaxy unstable.
Again, assuming that NS-Capture theory is correct, how then could so many neutron stars exist in the Milky Way spiral galaxy?
The conclusion I reached at the time of discovery in 1974, and first published in 1993 in Tom van Flandern’s Meta Research Bulletin, was:
- “One must assert that the galaxy is dynamic with all the mass (stars plus neutron stars) being shot out of the center of the galaxy like a lawn sprinkler. This model predicts that the stellar galactic rotation will linearly increase along the bar at the center of the spiral galaxy and then remain constant beyond the bar. This is what is actually observed.”
Since all the mass must originate from the center of the galaxy, the implicit conclusion is that there must be a supermassive black hole (SMBH) there, which seems to be the current consensus, although that consensus has been reached by much different logic than is presented here. Also, the size of the consensus SMBH is much smaller than that proposed by NS-Capture, which is on the order of 10 x mass of MWG.
A second problem that arises from this proposed model (lawn sprinkler) is that it would seem to predict that the Sun and Earth were near the center of the Galaxy possibly 50 million years ago. Since the Earth is known to be at least 5 billion years old based on radioactive decay rates of Uranium samples, how can this contradiction be resolved?
One solution that I propose is that general relativity may contain the answer. Given the huge mass of the SMBH, when mass is escaping along the central bar, it is passing through an immense gravitational field. My suggestion is that during the journey along the bar, the matter is traveling a much longer distance than we observe from here, and that to travel that gravitationally compressed distance, the matter requires much longer time than we would assume if the space near the SMBH was not compressed. It would be kind of the opposite effect of special relativity: the actual distance is greater than appears to us and the time to travel those compressed distances is much longer than we would expect.
i.e. most of the Earth/Sun’s 5 billion years would have been spent traveling along the bar near the center of the Galaxy and only when the Earth/Sun would have exited the bar would it be traveling with its radial velocity from along the bar plus its tangential velocity from the point of exit from the rotating bar.
Of course, all of the above is pure speculation, but it is based on the foundation laid by the logic of NS-Capture Theory. However, it is an indirect result. NS-Capture only claims that the neutron stars required to produce the pulsars must exist. NS-Capture does not attempt to explain how the NS’s came to exist in the first place.